Sunday, November 19, 2006

End of the Quarter

The new quarter began last week. This is how it stands. There were 12 at one time. Now there are 9. B was the first to loose his way. The truancy and family were too much. He made his choice. It was already made for him. The pathology is too deep. He will wait patiently until he becomes too old for them to move. His mother will let this happen.

N had to go. The drama with the 13's was too much. They locked him up. 2 weeks later the PO called asking if he could come back. He could not. I saw him walking down the street alone. Head down. Hat pulled low. I saw his PO days later. She says he is on the run again. He has warrants.

M ran from home a few days after court. They had him on ISP. It has been weeks now. We have heard nothing.

The 9 are still here. All of them have earned more credit than they have ever earned. They are coming every day. There is still a lot of work. Anything can happen. We are 1 week into the 2nd quarter.


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